A Better Dress Sense

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Why have chic fashion sense? Isn’t it enough that you follow the trends and sport the latest in fashion? To be honest, if you want to have a style of your own, then you should be concentrating your efforts on being chic.

A chic fashion sense and a trendy fashion sense are two completely different things. If you’re a fashionista at heart, you already know what I’m talking about. Trends come and go and even return. What makes you think then that that fabulous dress you bought this month will still be fabulous next year?

So how can you develop a chic fashion sense? First of all, what you need to do is figure out what clothes fit your body nicely and what you are comfortable wearing. Forget about suffering for fashion when you can look your best without wincing from pain.

To be able to show off a chic fashion sense, you will need to really be familiar with your body type and research about the style and cut of clothes that will flatter you. For example, an embellished neckline will be more suited to someone with a smaller frame than someone with broad shoulders.

Another way you can develop a chic fashion sense is to look at how some known chic celebrities dress. Observe how they put together their clothes and the colors they wear.
People who have chic fashion sense often inspire fashion trends. Think of Kate Moss and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Being chic is all about having your own style. When you look at how chic celebrities dress, you will notice that all their styles are unique and even come off as effortless. Listen to your inner stylist and buy only what you feel comfortable wearing. No need to show lots of skin to have a chic fashion sense!

  1. I believe that every one should be able to afford fashion.
    The rich, poor, and those some where in between.

  2. So clever, Wynell. Do you know what I do? I tend to draw analogies from great literature, including “women’s” fiction to get my peter pan leggings. I also use lots of dark blues. So I never get read like the sports page. and can retain all details I don’t care enough about .

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