The Truth About Weight Loss: Would You Rather?

weight loss

Would you rather…

1. …have a salad with grilled chicken for lunch or a burger with fries?

2. …go for a run or take a yoga class?

3. …eat an apple or have a candy bar?

4. … drink water or soda?

5. …take the stairs or the elevator?

6. …walk the dog or watch TV?

7. …have a piece of cake or a bowl of fruit for dessert?

8. … eat out or cook at home?

9. …go to the gym or work out at home?weight loss

10. …wear sneakers or flip flops?

11. …carry a water bottle or not?

12. … eat breakfast or skip it?

13. …plan ahead or wing it?

14. … be motivated by the scale or by how your clothes fit?

15. …enjoy working out or dread it?

16. …workout with friends or go solo?

weight loss17. …lift weights or do cardio?

18. …run outside or on the treadmill?

19. …be consistent or give up easily?

20. …have short-term or long-term goals?

21. …be patient or expect results overnight?

22. …be proud of your accomplishments or hard on yourself?

23. …be realistic about your weight loss goals or set yourself up for disappointment?weight loss

24. …stay motivated even when you don’t see results right away or give up when the going gets tough?

25. …focus on the positive or dwell on the negative?

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